it will bring him certain death 意味
- そうすると彼はきっと死ぬ
- it it 其れ それ イット
- will 1will n. (1) 意志, 意思. 【動詞+】 bear no ill will to… …に悪意はもたない Years of
- bring bring v. 持ってくる, もたらす. 【副詞1】 He spent two years in India and brought away
- him HIM {略} : health information management 医療情報管理{いりょう じょうほう かんり}
- certain certain adj. 確かな; 確信している. 【副詞】 be absolutely certain 絶対的に確かだ It is
- death death n. 死. 【動詞+】 accept death with resignation あきらめて死を受け入れる It
- certain death certain death 万死 ばんし
- certain death certain death 万死 ばんし
- find a cat and bring him home 猫を拾う
- bring certain advantages to ~にメリットをもたらす
- determined to visit certain death 必殺の気合で
- head for certain death 死に向かう
- should someone's travels in future bring him to 将来{しょうらい}(人)が旅行{りょこう}で~に行くことがあれば
- rescue someone from a certain death (人)を死のふちから救う
- bring about one's death 死をもたらす
- "it will be your fault if your child is not welcome in other people's homes" 意味
- "it will become a serious menace to the safety and integrity of the country" 意味
- "it will breed a class consciousness that is alien to american ideals" 意味